We have equipped the San Giorgio Canavese plant with a new production line to enhance the Sacel Plast Business Unit. Characterized by much greater flexibility and versatility than the already operational plants, the modular line was entirely designed and built by Sacel, equipping an injection moulding machine with a series of new components (robot, plc and others).

Several needs brought us to this step. First of all, the need to exploit 100% of the production capacity of the plants, which we have not been able to reach so far due to the difficulty of quickly reconverting the automation for new processing, except with considerable time and costs. Secondly, Sacel is aiming to get important economic benefits, by improving our competitiveness thanks to the reduced number of equipment the customer has to purchase and the speeding up of code changeover, retooling and setup for new production cycles. The greater versatility will also allow us to produce very different parts on the same line.

The development and creation of the plant are the result of an extensive research that allowed the definition of specification feasibility and guidelines and resulted in an initial prototype of the machine. Implementations were then made in 2021 based on new needs and requirements by some of our customers. In November 2021, we finally filed a patent application for the technology of the new modular production line.